Are you afraid of compitition?

Some compititor found that our google search rank is in first page of well testing product, and also high pressure pipeline product. so that they harass our colleague. We feel very angery about this at first. but when i write this blog, i calm down and consider more about compititon. Normally, nobody can escape compitition. What we have to do is to improve ourself and win customer trust. and years later, win more market. In China, there are thousands of manufacturer who make valve, and hundreds of manufacturer who make well upstream equipments. Every manufacturer has his own surviving way and everyone should face compitition.

They attack us means that they are afraid of compition, and afraid of us to gain more market. In other words, their ability to maintain and develop customer is very very low.  so that their nature is low. They will loose market one day.

Sometimes, we also study compititor, but we learn good sides from them, the management, QA control and etc.

There is old saying in China, good good study, and day day up.

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