We often cooperate with some clients to join well testing service tender. Frankly speaking, well testing equipment is just one part of the service, as service is finished by people. So we consider well testing cost mainly include three parts, equipment cost, labor cost, power consumption. Although we are equipment supplier, we also can estimate the cost for reader’s information.


Let’s estimate three years cost on well testing service for one Service Company. We start with equipment cost. Well Testing Equipment is divided into upstream equipment, process equipment and power equipment. Upstream equipment is including flowhead, sand filter, SSV, choke manifold, ESD control panel and etc. Process equipment is including indirect heater, heat exchanger, steam generator, three phase separator, surge tank, gauge tank, high pressure pipeline, burner, DAS system and etc. Power equipment is including air compressor and diesel generator. Some service team prefers trailer mounted equipment. So there is extra cost for low flatbed trailer. According to our experience, the package from China cost about 1.5 million USD. If from EURO, the package cost more than 2 million USD.

Second is labor cost. Normally, two teams are to switch on field. We consider there are 4 workmen in one team. Everyone’s salary is 2,000 USD/month. So one month cost is 2000 x 8=16,000 USD. One year cost is 16,000 x 12=200,000 USD. Food and accommodation cost is about 30 USD person/day. Total cost is 30 x 4 x 365=43,800 USD. So two items cost is about 243,800.00 USD for one year.

Third is power consumption and equipment set up. Power consumption mainly including diesel consumption, water consumption and transportation cost. There are two diesel burners in well testing equipment, one is diesel generator, and the other is indirect heater. Now we often use dual fuel burner for indirect heater. So for one service job which last 7-10 days, diesel consumption is about 5000L. So diesel cost is about 2500USD. Water consumption is water in indirect heater. Normally, 5-6 ton is enough for one service job, which cost 1000 USD. The last one is transportation and set up cost. If truck front are rent, we assume 300 USD for one truck front. If there is 3 trailers, one day cost is 900 USD. For one service job, truck rent is at least 3 days, that total cost for truck front rent is about 2,700 USD. We assume 25 jobs in one year, so total cost is (2500+1000+2700) x 25= 180,000.00 USD.

Our estimation is based on a full trailer mounted well testing package. And result for 3 years cost is as below.

Equipment cost Labor cost Power consumption Total (USD)
1,500,000 243,800X3=731,400 180,000X3=540,000 2,771,400


Hope professional service people will supply more exact data to us. As cost in different country is different, we just throw away a brick in order to get a gem.

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